The best way to get more traffic flow to your blog is to land on the first page of the Google results. There are many tools for bloggers to use when it comes to increasing traffic to a blog. Utilizing Google’s Keyword Planner is a free, straightforward method that optimizes specific words and phrases that will assist users in finding your blog. Atomic Design feels that keyword research is one of the first steps when performing SEO.
Even if you are able to get a blog post on the first Google results page, where the blog is originally located is still crucial. Since users searching on Google are much more likely to click on the first link that appears on the results page, and the chances of them visiting your page decreases the further down the link to your blog is.
Google Keyword Planner will help you evaluate highly searched content and if they are more likely to rank well. This will give you an idea of the type of competition you will be facing when targeting certain phrases. In addition, Google Keyword Planner allows you to search for what is known as long-tailed keywords. These are longer related keyword phrases that users search for that other bloggers and website owners may have neglected to write about. Long-tailed keywords make it much easier for individuals to get higher rankings and more traffic to their blog.
For example, if we want to rank for the term Nashville SEO then we can run this term through keyword planner to find less competitive, or long-tailed keywords. An example would be Nashville SEO agency. If you are located in or targeting multiple cities, just swap the city and keep the ohter keywords. In this instance, we will target Atlanta SEO agency as a less competitive term than Rochester SEO.
Getting Started
Make a list of the general topics that you write about. This will become helpful when you begin to think about keywords to optimize in order to bring more traffic to your blog. Several blogs feature lists of article tags to direct users to content that they may be looking for and to help keep organized. It’s ideal to come up with as many broad categories as possible; this also may become helpful when looking up frequency of usage and keyword competition.
Your site should contain high-quality content on a consistent basis. Bloggers should begin to make a list of keywords and phrases that relate to the content they are writing and relevant to their blog. These can be as short or long as people would like, but bloggers should try to think as their readers’ and consider what users would be searching for. They should also keep in mind that shorter and more common phrases often have greater competition, making them harder to rank.
Bloggers should research what keywords are already bringing traffic in as well as analyzing those that show up in the related searches suggestion section at the bottom of Google’s results page. It may also be helpful to look at what keywords competitors are ranking, using tools such as SEMrush. This will allow bloggers to get an idea of what other sites are ranking and can potentially expand the list of keyword phrases to use in their writing.
Keyword Planner
After you have developed a list of the keyword phrases to use for your site, begin analyzing them using the Google Keyword Planner. This will tell bloggers exactly how many individuals are searching for your specific keyword phrases and the number of other sites they appear on. This will give you an idea of what the competition is like and help you eliminate keywords from your phrase list that may be difficult to rank.
Google Keyword Planner will also display when phrases are not commonly searched for, and give you an idea of which phrases you probably should not focus on in their blog posts to maximize traffic. It is often easier for blog posts to get on the front page if you use keywords that people do not search often in your content because they have less competition.
Google Keyword Planner can be an excellent tool that targets specific phrases to help you increase traffic to your blog. It is for finding specific phrases to use and increasing traffic flow to your blog.
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